This is related to MOD Oracle SQL function. I hope to write about the simple example of mod in Oracle SQL and the invalid use of mod in Oracle plsql ...
Before moving on to the 4 Pillars of OOP I would like to add a small recap on what is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). OOP is one of the famous techniques ...
Oracle SQL comparing dates is not complicated but you have to follow the correct syntax and match targeting columns. Otherwise, need to convert column types into the same matching data ...
Software engineering is a broad area in the field of information technology. It involves software developers designing and developing applications according to client requirements and specifications. The process of software ...
For over a decade, design patterns have been the sole basis of the architecture of software. Design patterns are reusable, flexible, and efficient and pave the way for the systemic ...
An Insight into Design Patterns Used in Software Development One of the major steps in the Software Development Life Cycle is the ‘Design’. The sole basis of this phase is ...
An Insight of Software Development and Design Patterns The collective process of designing, creating, testing, and maintaining software applications is introduced as Software Development. The process follows the light of ...